Saturday, April 17, 2010

Who is Ted Coleman?

Ted is the main male character in Burning Desires. He is respectful and kind; brought up in a traditional southern household on a ranch. He works hard and loves his family very much and will do anything for anyone who needs help. After having lost a fiance a couple of years ago, Ted had remained an eligible bachelor until he met Christine. Their chemistry was just what he needed to pull him up out of the depression he had been in since his fiance died.

Ted's character was built from a young man I met in southern California. His name was also Ted but in order to not get into legal issues using his last name, I changed it. As I was sitting in my writing room, my thoughts wandered trying to come up with a suitable name for the sandy haired boy toy when my eyes happened upon a Coleman cooler sitting against the wall. I thought Coleman sounded respectable and thus the name Ted Coleman was born! Although the description of the character was a little more muscular than the actual person he was named after, the other details are the same; blond hair, tan smooth skin, hazel eyes, nice smile. Yeah, you get the idea!

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